Passion Site


The Passion Site is the site to explore your personal interests and create a place where like minded people can find and explore your passions on-line.  Finally, a cost-effective way to develop a passion site for a hobby, an activity or a cause that is close to your heart.  Up until now, the high cost of creating and maintaining a website has been prohibitive for all except those who wanted to sell on the internet.  It would seem the original intent of the web, to provide an information resource to the users of the internet has been lost.  This is a package to move the focus of the smart phone to a personal phone. 

Hobbies are some of the most passionate pastimes around.  Finally, you can devote an entire website to the hobby or interest.  The site is fully loaded, use the blog feature to keep your readers informed, depending on the topic, the site could be (optionally) transformed to a PWA site to allow push notifications to people who follow you and may be passionate for updates.    With such close access to the site, you may find some products to sell to the world.  This is not a problem because both the Passion and Product websites have access to the e-comm widget.  There is a limit on pages, but you should be able to do enough offers for a small store.

The Passion site is designed to allow the pursuit of things that are of great interest.  Create an active blog, mount photos and host videos on your favorite subject.  Interact with your fellow enthusiasts and grow your hobby to heights you never dreamed possible.  The site offers the best way to see how fun being an active website owner can be!

Many people who develop an interest in something they love will end up producing a product for sale. Most are stopped because they don’t have the resources to promote and sell it online through an expensive storefront.  Often a single product or two might be uploaded to Amazon for sale in that highly competitive and expensive fee for sales environment.  MP-PPP provides an “end to end”, full-fledged e-commerce platform to market a small number of products to like enthusiasts while keeping all the money paid directly to you though direct payment processors like Paypal and Stripe.  Soon MobiFirst will also offer its own payment widget as well.  Also included are sections for your blog posts with comments, a photo and video gallery.  Add a personal journal to keep track of ideas and inspirations in your hobby for later reference.

Included are elegant functions to create the site with any added content you want, add extra pages for more involved sites.  You can begin with a standard site and personalize it exactly the way you want to offer your interests to the world.   A blog widget is standard, but an optional widget with this passion template is our podcast component to allow you an even more efficient to get your word out.  It can offer live or recorded broadcasts in your field.  A great way to increase your authority on the topic of your choice.